Quantum computers although in testing conditions, has a huge potential, its ability to perform large calculations will change the way computers works, large calculations can be done within few seconds
current computers work in threads performing each task 1 at a time, while quantum computers can perform all the tasks at the same times, this is the ability which will help quantum computers to perform millions of tasks at the same time
have you seen "minority report" movie, it can predict future crime by taking into consideration several factors and computing it to a final point
recently Facebook,twitter used its data to know general mood of the society, it is actually quite easy to predict, because of things you share and posts you make, and with high volume of similar posts or sharing can predict whats the general mood
Quantum computers has a big potential because of its ability to process information and do high volume calculation, Google is working on quantum computers
current computers work in threads performing each task 1 at a time, while quantum computers can perform all the tasks at the same times, this is the ability which will help quantum computers to perform millions of tasks at the same time
have you seen "minority report" movie, it can predict future crime by taking into consideration several factors and computing it to a final point
recently Facebook,twitter used its data to know general mood of the society, it is actually quite easy to predict, because of things you share and posts you make, and with high volume of similar posts or sharing can predict whats the general mood
Quantum computers has a big potential because of its ability to process information and do high volume calculation, Google is working on quantum computers
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